Wellcome to TMS OLD BOY 79 blog. The first reunion on 2005 that Mohd. Nor Azam bin Abdullah organised lead me to creat this blog to reunite our ex-student Batch 1979. It is pleasure if we can interact in this blog to reunite after leaving school 2 decade ago. You can send your family potho with your contact number to this email to enable our buddies could treasure life after school and hopefully this blog would be the right platform to locate our old time schoolmate. Your continous support and participation is much anticipated to enable this blog grow in the coming days, in line with our motto "Beyond Friendship & Borders". It always "happenings" with TMS. God willing.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010


The TMS Boys Batch 1979 are invited and wellcome to our 5th reunion which is taking place on Thursday May 27th 2010 to be held at Livestyle Lounge, Holiday Villa Subang Jaya. If you have any questions feel free to call AZAM 012-9248514

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